How To Care For Your Expensive Clothes

Fashion is a very popular and expensive hobby in Australia, with many of the big cities playing host to busy designer clothing stores. If you are thinking about buying some designer or expensive clothing for your loved one (or for yourself as a treat!), then there are a few things you need to know about how to care for them. All clothes have instructions on how to best keep them clean, but these are not the complete package and are just a guideline. If you want to make your designer and expensive clothes last as long as possible, then here are a few helpful tips.

Consider Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning is designer clothing's best friend. So many expensive clothing pieces cannot and should not be washed in anything other than a professional dry cleaning store. Designer jackets, jeans, t-shirts, dresses, pants, crewnecks and anything you can possibly think of is best served in a dry cleaners' hands. Dry cleaners know how to deal with every type of fabric, shape, accessory and colour with the correct precision to maintain it as close to the original way it was bought. Many dry cleaners offer great rates too, especially considering how much these pieces of clothing cost you originally. If you are too scared to wash it on your own or just have the spare cash, then always go for a dry cleaner first. 

Cold Wash Shirts

Streetwear is very popular right now and a big portion of streetwear consists of expensive shirts. These shirts are made of better quality fabrics so they survive machine washes better than most, but they have one weakness: heat. The best way to keep your expensive shirts lasting a long time in their original shape is to always wash them on the cold setting. Also, if you can, air dry them on a hanger. Drying them in a machine or washing them with hot water will eventually begin to shrink the shirt and make it lose its form. 

Store Out Of Sunlight 

It is tempting to store your clothes out in the open where you can see it, but by doing this you are risking the longevity of the piece. Sunlight bleaches fabrics and materials of every colour and shade. Sometimes this can happen quite quickly, which is why you should never keep your designer clothes in places of direct sunlight. This even goes for when you are drying your clothing. If you have to dry it in sunlight, then make sure to display it inside out so the exterior gets as little bleaching as possible. 
